Peace loves! I’m Goddess Diamond, also known as Divinity: The Happy Healer. Here’s a sweet rundown on me and who I am: 

I am a spiritually gifted woman who has been connected to my ancestors and guides ever since I was a child. Through God’s approval over my spiritual court and I, we created our healing house called The Shrine: A Sacred Space for Plant and Energy Medicine. 

During my 20’s I lived all over the world: Thailand as an English teacher, Malaysia, and China. These experiences expanded my understanding of the world and our divine connection to it. My spirits showed me how these beautiful places loved their culture, ancestors and spirits out loud which was a definite contrast to how I grew up hiding my connection to my spiritual court. 

They showed me how natural and beautiful it was for many other cultures around the world to honor their spirits and ancestors and with this knowledge they gifted me with the task to bring back a way to show my people here in America that our connection to our guides and ancestors is not demonic.. it’s truly an amazing connection and what so many of us are missing. 

I then began to integrate energy healing through various modalities such as sound therapy and kundalini energy work as a means of healing myself from the traumatic experiences and false programming of how life should be and the world within it. Thus, catapulting me into the world of healing and trauma release not only for myself but for the community as well.

I have a BA in film and media production, I am a certified sound therapist that trained and received my certification in Nepal. I am an initiated plant medicine woman with the medicina “Hape’” or “Rapeh”. I am a certified international teacher, energy worker, channel for spirit and a being whose soul comes from a specific star system that is here to live a human life and spread awareness of our power and connection to the universe. I am a mother, partner to a wonderful man and a business owner. 

I call myself the happy healer because we don’t have to remain in low frequencies when it comes to healing work. We get to feel it, heal it and rise again. My work makes me happy and very much rooted in alignment with my life’s purpose.